I am a graphic designer, with a great team at Today at Apple since Feb 2019. Today at Apple is a program started by the Retail department at Apple to engage the community with not just products, but also great learning experiences. I have designed over 250+ sessions and produced over 2,000+ assets. Working with a copy team, I designed the visuals for sessions, to deliver experiences that help people learn more about their craft, their community, and Apple products.


Idina Menzel

I created in-store visuals for Idina Menzel’s session on how to create a playlist, at the Fifth Avenue Apple Store in New York.


Latin Music Night Collection

For the new Apple Aventura Store opening in Miami, I created the design for the collection page, using images from multiple artists performing throughout the week, making one cohesive look.

iPhone 11 IG_Latin Music.png
Madeon Regent VW Insitu.jpg


I Created the session experience for prevalent DJ and producer of electronic music Madeon. The team also creates marketing assets that talent and Apple can use to promote sessions. This is what one of the marketing assets would look like for social platforms such as Twitter.


The big draw

For The Big Draw an annual drawing festival, Apple invited artists around the globe to hold classes inside Apple stores, and teach people how to draw using
Apple devices and other products.


secret walls art battle

For Today at Apple’s Secret Walls sessions, four artists were gathered to battle in teams of two. This piece was especially challenging because it required collaging four different styles of artwork into a single cohesive piece.


Maggie enterrios

Maggie is a prolific illustrator who is focused on floral patterns and hand-lettering. She showed the session participants how to create beautiful patterns using Procreate. As an illustrator and designer, this session spoke to me the most.


Jillian KNox

For this session, I wanted to highlight the photographers we work with, and the images that we retouch and edit, to fit Apple Brand guidelines.